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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 3: The Tao of Poker

Rule 249: Enter the white fear. A really devastating loss can change your perception.
There is a certain kind of loss that is psychologically crippling. It is of such intensity and dimension that it takes the wind out of your sails and knocks you completely for a loop. It is both the magnitude of the loss and the way it happens that grants it special recognition, moves it up into your "Top-5" list of horror-shows. It almost feels like a personal offense, a betrayal the way it happens.

Will such an occurrence make you change your long-term approach? Probably not. But you'll never think of things in quite the same way again. Something changes in you. For you now know this type of situation is out there. it can exist and it can happen. From now on it will always be in the back of your mind, and will color the way you view the world forever.

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