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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Know Yourself

 Life is full of obstacles and bumps in the road. These are inevitable, nobody is immune to them. What sets us apart is how we can respond to them. Right now I am going through one of the most emotionally trying times I have ever experienced. When we suffer loss, we can either live our way through it and end up standing on simply drown in our sorrow. To know, and understand who you are, is important in overcoming whatever emotional pain being felt. The feelings of pain can not be fought or pushed out. They must be felt and embraced. Knowing yourself helps you intellectualize how and why certain things hurt so much. When you can understand who you are, you can accept what you are feeling and begin the process of healing. I say this because emotional pain is about YOU (ME). Again, grief is a process. The destination is moving past grief with the rewards that are earned through that test. One must use the grieving process to reflect on themselves and their experiences. Embrace the pain, Enjoy the sadness. It is not everyday you get to live with such extreme emotions - there is a lot to be taken from it. The important thing is to try to remain strong and positive throughout it all. At the end of the day, we are our own worst enemies.

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