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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Prior day's HTF bull cup continued to extend over night. Backdrop for bullish action plus pre-FOMC announcement tendency makes me long bias today. However the volatility and pace will be dried up so be aware of the potential per trades. 1700 appears to be new support level. Gift long would be down at 97 - DAX keeping ES under 1700.


Took one on the chin hard today. Never really was able to get in synch with the rhythm and got whipped up in the early day low vol. chop. I had decent entries on my TUB of support premise, but for some reason, in direct conflict with today's rhythm, I tried to force every entry by adding when price reached the top of its interim ranges. I went on tilt hard pretty early on and just pressed with no focus, regard or care for what was happening in the market. As the FOMC announcement of NO TAPER was released, I tried to press for it all back by fading what I felt was extreme prices. That is fine, but the problem is when taking blind, highly emotional fades, you must have laser like focus and I was basically on tilt. Barfing it out with the retail squeeze's every single time. Need to get up, dust myself off and regroup. Successful trading is a state of mind. It is not market analysis. The action from today will offer some pretty solid opportunities tomorrow (presumably). I just need to make sure I am awake for them and mentally focused when they arrive. Laughing Man out...

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