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Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 1: Chronicles of a Million Dollar Trader

             I am starting with Don Miller's Chronicles of a Million Dollar Trader. I will be finished on Sunday and will come back to this post to write my synopsis and review of the book. Sunday night I will choose a new read. The goal is to try to get through 50 pages/day.



"Chronicles" is a trader's memoir written by the gifted ES trader Don Miller. He has been my inspiration and role model in my pursuit of trading success. The book is a peek into the mind of a man who traded for a net $2,000,000 profit in roughly 18 months. I found the book to be an easy and enjoyable read and a great book to kickstart my 52 book challenge. Don successfully dispels the myths of what it means to be a trader by displaying the slow grinding journey down a bumpy road of tests and rewards. This read was rewarding to me because it opened my eyes to where I stand in my development as a trader. I'd say the greatest lesson I learned from this is that Don made mistakes. A lot of mistakes, and mistakes of the same size and nature that I have made. I realized that Don did not have some mysterious gift that I don't have. What sets Don apart from the rest is his understanding of the trading game. It is about mental focus, HARD WORK, practice, failures and most importantly response to those failures.

The book has given me confidence and inspiration to pursuit this business aggressively. To traders, I highly recommend reading it. Non traders might get lost in the trading lingo, however, Don displays strong work in providing valuable life lessons using his trading ups and downs as a backdrop.

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