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Monday, October 14, 2013

Today was one of those very strange days where I had the market rhythm pegged to the tick. I was able to feel where the market was likely to go, placed my orders got filled and saw price move in my favor almost immediately. It is fascinating how some days this can happen, and others it feels like you are fighting the current all day long. I believe what it has to do is aligning yourself with the current market environment. For me, certain market patterns, chart patterns etc. are more easily identifiable. For example today, the 60 min had put in a nice bull cup, at the bottom of a daily bull channel, and we opened up gap down (the blue line on the 60 minute chart) with air to the upside to fill. Tick opened at -900 and price just wasn't really going down. All day I was able to maintain my bull bias and take advantage of any tests lower. The key will be screen time. Learning how to identify the immediate rhythm with conviction and knowing when I don't have it and to avoid any trouble. The daily bull still seems to be in control. That doesn't mean that everyday is a bull day, but it serves as further confirmation for bullish price zones.

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